Milk Campaign 2023



Since 2020, Dutcham has brought together all it’s member companies to assist those in need through the "Doing Good Together" campaign.

Four years ago, we began distributing milk to those in need, and in 2023 with the collaboration of our companies, we were able to distribute 60,000 liters.

By donating R$ 60.00 or more, you'll not only help a needy family but also enter a draw for a KLM airline ticket to Amsterdam!

With you and Dutch companies in Brazil, we donated 80,000 liters of milk, helping 6.650 families.






Together, we did it! 


  • With you and Dutch companies in Brazil, we donated 80,000 liters of milk, helping 6.650 families.
  • Thank you very much for your support, because every drop matters!

Draw held on 23/12/2023.
Winner: Stephanie M. #34985

Ação registrada pela Caixa Federal sob a referência
SRE/ME Nº 01.030898/2023.

By taking part in the campaign, you agree to the rules and regulations.
Campaign run in partnership with Dutcham member companies, Banco de Alimentos and Promosorte.




Do you have any questions?
Get in touch with our  team.

Kristhian Fortunato
Administration Trainee 

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